
Importance of bells in Hindu Temples | Temple Bells | Artha | AMAZING FACTS

2019-02-05 21 Dailymotion

All the Hindu temples have bell at the entrance of the temple or inside the temple and usually you need to ring it before you enter temple and while doing pooja to God. In this video we are going to tell u significance of bells in Indian Temples.

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1. Bell ringing is an ancient Vedic ritual which since then followed in the temples.

2. One can see multiple bells hanging over the roofs of temples and shrines around India.

3. Devotees have faith in this tradition since age old times and continue doing it without fail.

4. These devotees believe that by doing so they knock God’s entrance to ask permission to enter his temple.

5. Agama Shastra says that“The sound of the bell keeping the evil forces away and is liked by the God.”

6. The bells are made in a manner that its sound lasts for around 7 seconds in echo mode.

7. The duration of this ring is good enough to activate all our 7 chakras (healing centers) defined in Yoga.

8. The vibes from the Indian bells gives peace to the human soul and also is a mode of mindfulness.

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